Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ta da!

So, we've finally completed the fence, gate, and arbour. We're still debating what to do with the open spaces we have on both sides of the arbour, however. We might fill them in with lattice so that the honeysuckle we've planted has a place to go when it gets tall enough. We're also contemplating putting a hummingbird feeder on one side and a wind chime on the other side (there's a nice breeze that blows through that part of the yard). What do you think?

There are, however, two catches. One, hummingbirds hate us. Seriously. In the ten years that we've had a hummingbird feeder or two in the yard, we've had only one hummingbird visit. And when was that? Last year, when we'd forgotten to put sugared water in the feeder. So much for that.

And two, we can't seem to find a wind chime that we like. And looking for one is a bit frustrating. Have you ever noticed that when you go shopping for a wind chime, the wind-chime section will be absolutely deserted until you go there and start testing out the chimes. Then, out of nowhere, streams of people answer the call of the wind chimes, head over to the wind-chime section, and start testing them out as well. Drives me nuts. Like I want to listen to several other people testing out chimes. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Go on. Do it.


  1. Looks great! Nice work you two! And speaking of wind chimes, I just recently hung one that was given to me. I didn't put it up for the longest time because I wasn't sure if I (of the rest of the family) would enjoy it or be bothered by it. But it has a nice breezy summer sound and has been well received. Not bad for a hand-me-down chime! And no in-store testing for me!

  2. Fill your yard with red flowers and the hummingbirds will come. One red feeder doesn't do it.

  3. Red! I think that's the one colour we're rather short on. Back to the plant store. Sigh.
